Raw Local
Organic Honey
Pure Texas floral source honey
is truly comparable to a fine wine

Quality Farm Honey
Collected and Handmade by Busy Bees in Texas.

Our honey is raw, unfiltered, unpasteurized, and never blended. This means that we never heat or blend it with any other sources of honey. All of the health benefits come straight out of our Flow Hives, and directly into your personal jar of honey.
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Original Yellow Rose Honey
Our West Texas Honey contains pure raw honey from our own Midland, TX based hives. We ensure our honey is free of chemicals, antibiotics, and has not been heated or filtered. It contains all natural goodness such as enzymes, amino acids, and organic local allergy fighting properties.
Unlike many best-selling raw honey products, we can ensure the integrity of our raw honey because we own our hives, and do not import.

Meet our Bees
The extremely gentle Golden Cordovans are from the Cordovan family, which originates from the Italian family. They are light in color, can range from almost white to reddish. Bees can darken with age so there will be a range of shades in a hive.
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