Our Products

Our local honey is 100% Texas based pure, raw & unfiltered honey. It is not a blend of different honey from other hives nor is it imported. Our honey comes straight from the Flow Hive tap. Taste how sweet nature truly can be!!

Honey Pod Small - 4 oz $7

Our bees forage on a wide variety of Texas desert flowering plants which can provide you with a different taste of honey in each jar.

  • Local Small Batch Production

  • Allergy Relief

  • Never Blended, Filtered or Heated

Honey Pod Medium - 6 oz $11

Straight from the Lone Star State. This raw, unfiltered honey has many different pollens within the hive, giving it a rich golden color.

  • Natural Sweetener

  • Perfect spread For Bread

  • Heals Wounds and Burns

Honey Pod Large - 16 oz $25

This jar of honey made by insects is the only known food that is made by an insect and eaten by both humans and insects!

  • Anti-Inflammatory Effects

  • Cough Suppressant

  • Perfect in Baked Goods

 Nutrition Facts


  • Fat free, trans fat free, cholesterol free and sodium free

  • Honey is a great, naturally produced alternative to sugar

  • Has antimicrobial, antifungal and antioxidant properties

  • Honey’s glycemic index is lower than that of sugar

  • Honey contains natural pollen and enzymes

  • Rich in carbohydrates, an important aspect of any diet, honey is a great source of natural carbohydrates. At 17 grams of carbohydrates per tablespoon, honey is the perfect pre or post workout snack

Meet our Bees

Our Golden Cordovans bees are extremely gentle are from the Cordovan family, which originates from the Italian bee family. They are light in color and can range from a light leather brown to an almost lemon yellow color. Bees can darken with age so there will be a range of shades in a hive.


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