Welcome to my
Specialty Hives

Texas at its sweetest!

 The Flow Hives

The Flow method of harvesting allows for the honey to be removed directly from the hive without heating, spinning, or blending it with other honey. The honey literally comes straight from the hive and into your jar! Research from the University of Queensland has reported that honey from a Flow Hive has a better taste.


  • When a honey bee takes nectar from a flower, she stores it in a "honey sack." When this honey sack is full, she returns to the hive, deposits the drop of nectar into the honeycomb, and evaporates the water out of the nectar by fanning her wings. Once the honey has aged, wax is used to seal it in the comb, which keeps it clean and safe.

  • If stored properly, at room temperature away from direct sunlight, honey does not go bad. Archaeologists have discovered a 3,300 year old jar of honey in an Egyptian tomb that was remarkably still good!

  • All honey will crystallize in time -this is natural. If honey crystallizes, just remove the lid and place the jar in warm water until the crystals dissolve. Do not refrigerate your honey, this will speed up the crystallization process.


Our Bees

  • Our Golden Cordovans bees are extremely gentle are from the Cordovan family, which originates from the Italian bee family. They are light in color and can range from a light leather brown to an almost lemon yellow color. Bees can darken with age so there will be a range of shades in a hive.

    • The Queen Bee is the only bee able to lay eggs

    • She never leaves the hive and is constantly attended by the workers bees

    • She can lay up to 2,000 eggs per day

    • The worker bees are all females

    • Their lifespan in the spring and summer months is just four to five weeks. During winter, they live for a few months

    • Tasks include; gathering pollen, making honey, feeding the other bees, producing beeswax, building honeycombs, and, protecting the hive

Order our
Original Yellow Rose Honey

Our West Texas Honey contains pure raw honey from our own Midland, TX-based hives. We ensure our honey is free of chemicals, antibiotics, and has not been heated or filtered. It contains all-natural goodness such as enzymes, amino acids, and organic local allergy-fighting properties.

Unlike many best-selling raw honey products, we can ensure the integrity of our raw honey because we own our hives, and do not import.

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