Welcome to our Farm


Katie Briscoe

Honey Farmer/ Apiarists

She was raised in Odessa and now lives in Midland, TX with her honey bees! After running into a bee hive on her mountain bike, her curiosity and love for the bees began. Her goal is to help her community lessen their symptoms of local seasonal allergies, provide pollinators for local crops & landscapes, and a healthier snack or sugar substitute for your overall health.


Discover our Products

Our West Texas Honey contains pure raw honey from our own Midland, TX based hives. We ensure that our honey has not been heated, blended or filtered. It contains all natural goodness such as enzymes, amino acids, and organic local allergy fighting properties.

Unlike many best-selling raw honey products, we can ensure the integrity of our raw honey because we own our hives, and do not import.